Building Safe, Secure and Scalable Online Communities


Think beyond reactive content removal. Use automated, customized risk scores coupled with human curation for a high level of accuracy and enrichment to quickly assess the most important threats to your platform. To ensure that high-risk content rises to the top before it appears on your platform, suspicious content is automatically risk-scored, marked, and routed to moderators.

Stay A Step Ahead By Eliminating Harmful Content Right Where It Starts.

Natural Language

Natural Language

No matter how many bots and software apps you employ, without the right human input, language detection to eliminate harmful content remains a challenge. Leveraging the power of AI and human intelligence, we understand and eliminate risks using natural language.

Stay Away of Trends

Identify developing high-risk trends and narratives, before they become popular and have real-life ramifications for your platform and users. We monitor and transmit a feed of trends days before the general public is aware of them, allowing your teams to work on putting policies in place on schedule.

Offender Monitoring

Offender Monitoring

Catch repeat offenders before they return and continue to abuse others. In order for you to take prompt action to report or remove those offenders, we continuously detect, monitor, and inform you of any efforts to rejoin your platform.

Content with Context

With support for numerous abuse areas and global coverage in several languages and cultural contexts, scale across nations and languages at an unparalleled rate to understand the complete context of the content.

Natural Language
Social Media Moderation

Social Media Moderation

Protect your socials from harmful, abusive, or unwanted content or interactions by acting proactively with Moris.